About Luca Lifestyle

In 2015, Luca Lifestyle was founded by owner Gerard van Tilborg, who saw opportunities in the field of high-quality planters with light weight and weather-resistant properties. In cooperation with a Belgian university, a unique material composition based on polyester was developed. This material ensures that the planters are stable and scratch-resistant, ideal for both indoor and outdoor use.

Today, Luca Lifestyle is an international brand with sales outlets all over the world. As a wholesaler, we sell to a variety of customers; from garden centres to gardeners and project planters.

The head office, warehouse and showrooms are located in Veen (Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands). The production facility is located in Vietnam, from where we directly ship containers to customers worldwide.

In addition to fully customer-assembled containers, we also sell our products directly from stock.

  • 01-01-2015

    2015 - Founding Luca Lifestyle

    In 2015, Luca Lifestyle was founded by Gerard van Tilborg.

  • 01-01-2015

    2016 - First employee hired

    Luca Lifestyle slowly expanded, leading to the hiring of its first employee.

  • 01-01-2015

    2016 - Shipping of first container

    In 2016, the first fully customised container was shipped directly from Vietnam to the customer.

  • 01-01-2015

    2016 - Relocation to current premises

    From a small workplace at home to business premises! To this day, we still work from this location, which has undergone several metamorphoses, in Veen (Noord-Brabant).

  • 01-01-2015

    2017 - Cooperation factory Vietnam

    In 2017, the opportunity presented itself to enter into a partnership with one of the best factories in Vietnam. This partnership allowed us to really innovate by producing full series in the unique material composition.

  • 01-01-2015

    2017 - First participation Meesters in de Tuin

    To introduce the top green industry in the Netherlands to Luca Lifestyle, we joined the Meesters in de Tuin platform in 2017. Every year, we still enjoy participating in this event!

  • 01-01-2015

    2018 - Opening showroom Vietnam

    Thanks to the great cooperation with our factory in Vietnam, a showroom was created here to showcase our collections to international customers on site in Vietnam.

  • 01-01-2015

    2018 - First exhibition participation Spoga+Gafa

    Spoga+Gafa is the international green trade fair. Since 2018, we meet international customers here every year and present our latest items!

  • 01-01-2015

    2019 - Participation Lifestyle Fair Vietnam

    In April 2019, we participated in the Lifestyle Fair in Vietnam for the first time, showcasing our collection to international customers in our production country.

  • 01-01-2015

    2020 - Covid

    Covid hit our production country Vietnam hard, and with it our employees. We are proud that we were able to support the employees and work with them to keep production running wherever possible.

  • 01-01-2015

    2020 - Renovation of showroom

    The previously simple showroom was transformed into atmospheric space where customers can find inspiration.

  • 01-01-2015

    2021 - Warehouse relocation

    Luca Lifestyle's growth also continued in corona time. As a result, our stock was moved to a new logistics partner, which allowed us to grow further.

  • 01-01-2015

    2021 - New corporate identity + slogan

    Time for Luca Lifestyle 2.0! With an updated corporate identity, slogan and recognisable look & feel, Luca is ready for the future. With this foundation and a new colleague, we ensure that all graphic work is done in-house.

  • 01-01-2015

    2022 - Opening 2nd showroom

    To show our customers even more of our extensive collection, we opened a 2nd showroom.

  • 01-01-2015

    2022 - First open day

    After renovating the 2nd showroom, we opened our doors to (new) customers and proudly displayed our products. The open day therefore became an annual event in the month of September.

  • 01-01-2015

    2022 - Luca cares

    As a gesture of gratitude towards our producer country Vietnam, we started personally supporting an orphanage in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, in December 2022. This was expanded in 2023 to support a local hospital specialising in treating children's cancer.

    In addition, we started a sponsorship with Trees for All, whereby our support enables us to plant trees in Vietnam.

  • 01-01-2015

    2023 - Team expansion

    From one employee in 2016, to eight employees in 2024... Team Luca continues to grow! Curious about all the faces behind this team? Check out our team page.

  • 01-01-2015

    2024 - New production facility Vietnam

    The production facility in Vietnam is also expanding. Construction of a new, sustainable factory started in 2024. Check out our production page to learn more about it.

  • 02-05-2025

    2025 - 10 years of Luca Lifestyle 🎉

    Luca Lifestyle has been around for 10 years. We will, of course, celebrate this with a wonderful anniversary party. Stay tuned for more!